English Name Amethyst Common Name .
Chemical Formula SiO2(including iron) Crystal System Trigonal
Hardness 2-2.5 Specific Gravity 1.04-1.10
Color Purple to lavender
Appearance Transparent, pointed crystals. May be geode, cluster, or single point. All sizes.
Souce United States, Britain, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Russia,Sri Lanka, Uruguay, East Africa,Siberia, India

. Amethyst is an extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love. A natural tranquilizer, Amethyst blocks geopathic stress and negative environment energies. Its serenity enhances higher states of consciousness and meditation. Amethyst has strong healing and cleansing powers, and enhances spiritual awareness. traditionally, it was worn to prevent drunkenness and has a sobering effect on overindulgence and physical passions, supporting sobriety. It overcomes addictions and blockages of all kinds. Used at a higher level, Amethys opens to another reality.

 Amethyst boosts production of hormones, and tunes the endocrine system and metabolism. It strengthens the cleanser for the blood, Amethyst relieves physical, emotional, and psychological pain or stress, and blocks geopathic stress. It eases headaches and releases tension. this stone reduces bruising, injuries, and swellings, and treats hearing disorders. It heals dis-eases of the digestive tract, skin conditions, cellular disorders, and dis-eases of the digestive tract. It is beneficial for the intenstines, regulating flora, removing parasites, and encouraging reabsorption of water. Amethyst treats insomnia and brings restful sleep.

 Wear or place as appropriate, especially as jewelry. Clusters and geodes can be placed in the enveronment and single points are used in healing. Place the point in toward you to draw in enegy, and away from you to draw off energy. Ametyst is especially beneficail worn over the throat or heart. For insomnia or nightmares, place under the pillow. Amethyst fades in sunlight.