FAQInformation about Payment method Login
  • Paypal We will send you "Paypal request payment" email AFTER we prepare your order.
    Don't send money before you receive those paypal email.
    If you don't have paypal account, click here for information.

      How to pay using paypal ?

      1. Visit the PayPal website at: https://www.paypal.com/ and login
        If you have not registered, you have to register first. (it's free)
      2. Click the Send Money tab (on top of the page)
      3. In the Send Money box, fill in our address
      4. Enter the amount in JPY Japanese Yen (change from your currency to Yen).
      5. Select the appropriate payment type. "goods"
      6. Click Continue.
    • How to pay in my currency ?
      Your payment will automatically be converted to the currency you choose, and your seller will receive an email from PayPal stating the amount and currency of the payment.
      If your payment must be converted to another currency, the currency conversion calculation will be displayed to you at the time of payment Click here for info
  • Wire transfer You can transfer to
    Bank name : MUFG Bank, LTD.
    Bank branch : Yokohama EKI MAE (251)
    swift code : BOTKJPJT
    Account name : A-Smart Co.,Ltd
    Account number : 2798886

    Note : our account currency is in YEN, when you transfer, ask your bank to convert the amount from your currency to yen.

    Note: When transfering money through bank, you have to ask your bank that you will bear all the "Bank fee" for the recipient.
    Note: When transfering money through bank, you have to ask your bank that you will bear all the "Bank fee" for the recipient.
    which usually can take about 4500 yen , 40 usd ( just for the bank fee )