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Book The Complete Book of Decorative Knots (English) /1pc

The book is divided into five sections of different knots lanyard knots, button knots and globe knots, Turk's heads, mats and hitching, and chains and plaits. Every section contains background information on the history, lore, and accreditation of the knots featured. Color illustrations guide you step-by-step through the stages of tying each knot. The knots featured are not only attractive, but they have a wide variety of practical uses, such as for hammocks, doormats, and bellpulls. A useful glossary explains the terms and techniques used in the world of rope and knot tying.
    • ISBN: 978-1-55821-791-1
    • Size: 26.2 x 19.4 cm
    • Page: 159
  • id:6559(sku:26A1588217911) (¥) Price Stock Qty
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