Paper craft & Stationary /
Paper craft : Dye, Ink, Pigment, Powder
Holbein Water Color Medium 60ml /1pc
It is a medium series dedicated to watercolor painting and watercolor painting that extends the expression power of artists and the range of techniques.
Various expressions that could not be made with water alone are born.
- #470 Multi Sizing
Multi Sizing Liquid is an artist-grade sizing liquid used to reduce the absorbency of paper. Dilute it with warm water and apply with a broad brush.
- #471 Gum Arabic Medium
Holbein Gum Arabic Medium is an artist-grade medium that enhances gloss and transparency when mixed with watercolors. Mixing Gum Arabic Medium with opaque colors such as gouache and poster colors also increases transparency.
- #472 Water Color Medium
When mixed with watercolors, Holbein Watercolor Medium facilitates fine line and stroke development by improving flow.
- #474 Iridescent Medium
Iridescent Medium is an artist-grade medium designed to facilitate iridescent and pearlescent effects when used with waterbased media. ( to make watercolor brilliance like pearls.)
- #475 OX Gall
Ox Gall Medium is an artist-grade wetting agent that improves flow and enhances wet-into-wet techniques when mixed with watercolors. It also improves the acceptance of watercolor paints on paper, particularly hard-sized papers.
Brand: holbein
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