: over 125 patchwork, applique, and sashiko designs
This book is full of unique designs and patterns.
Many of the patterns are simple; others, especially the appliques, a complex. The photos are beautiful and show how Japanese fabrics can be utilized in striking ways. In addition, the author offers plenty of tips on color, block construction, design, piecing, sashiko stitching, etc. If you have any Japanese fabrics in your stash (or even if you don't), you'll enjoy this book.
Design #35 ... measurement error
The A and C pieces should be 8 and 1/2 inches instead of 8 1/4.
Design #80 ... measurement error
A 5 1/2 inch piece should be 3 and 1/2.
It should be better for the readers to cut their first design on paper to make sure all pieces go together correctly.