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Takoyaki Maker Pan using gas stove / 1pc

This stovetop takoyaki pan is a non heavy frying pan which you use to make the Japanese speciality ‘takoyaki’. Takoyaki is a very popular street dish originating from Osaka and is made from batter, diced octopus, tempura chips (tenkasu), pickled ginger and green onion and is topped with okonomiyaki sauce, green laver (aonori), mayonnaise, and katsuobushi fish flakes.
This non heavy pan evenly heats the 14 Takoyaki moulds so you can make plenty in one go! Just set the takoyaki pan on your stove top, heat it up, oil the pan and pour some takoyaki ingredients into the semi circle moulds. Turn the batter over with the prong to make them perfectly round. It’s fun, delicious and healthy and only takes 20 minutes to make.
Suitable for gas stoves or portable gas stoves which you can use to heat this Takoyaki pan at parties and outdoor gatherings.
You can also use this pan for making a Poffertjes (Holland baby pancake puff / The Dutch national breakfast food, Poffertjes are crunchy, buttery little orbs of tasty goodness. Try some with steaming hot latte and butter/powdered sugar) with different batter recipes.

Takoyaki ingredients:
  • 1 2/3 cup flour
  • 2 1/2 cup dashi soup / chicken stock
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 lb. boiled octopus (or boiled chicken, ground meat, sausage, etc), cut into bite-size pieces
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped green onion
    *For toppings:
  • katsuobushi (dried bonito flakes)
  • aonori (green seaweed powder)
  • Worcestershire sauce or takoyaki / okonomiyaki sauce
  • mayonnaise
    Preparation: Mix flour, dashi soup, and eggs in a bowl to make batter. Thickness of the batter should be like potage soup. Preheat a takoyaki pan and grease the molds. Pour batter into the molds to the full. Put octopus, green onion in each mold. Grill takoyaki balls, flipping with a pick to make balls. When browned, remove takoyaki from the pan and place on a plate. Put sauce and mayonnaise on top and sprinkle bonito flakes and aonori over.

  • Keyword : Japanese_food |
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