/ Mechatronics / Chemical material

Shin Etsu Silicone Grease

This product can be BACK ORDERED
You can buy even though stock is not available (or not enough).
Attention : Usually it takes like 1 weeks until we can get the stock and send to you.

Booking Qty
id:23691 (sku:xx)  
  Option (¥) Price Stock Qty
23691-30   G-30 Grease ( low temperature ) 1,980 0
23691-40   G-40H Grease ( HIGH temperature ) 1,990 0
23691-40M1   G-40M Grease (100 gr) 1,980 0
23691-40M10   G-40M Grease (1000 gr) 22,480 0
This product can be BACK ORDER, you can Buy eventhough the stock is not enough
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