/ Mokei : Model making (clay, diorama etc) / Clay : Silver clay (Art clay & PMC)

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Art clay silver, Starter set /1set

Kit includes
  1. Art clay silver 650 (slow dry) 10g
  2. Ring size scale
  3. Sponge sand paper (#320-#600 #800-#1000 #1200-#1500
  4. Silver cloth cleaner
  5. Oxidizer (to make antique look)
  6. Silver polish
  7. Pinset,File needle,stainless brush,
  8. Pan for burning the clay
  9. Sample DVD
  • Brand: artclay

    This product is "NOT ready stock", but you can still order
    We will prepare it, AFTER your payment, please allow 10-14 days for delivery

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