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⯅ ID: 1243 Stock: 0
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¥ 695
Metal polishing : Pikal® neri / 1can 250g

The Pikal® professional metal polishing and cleaning compounds are well known for their excellent results in many applications with a positive track record of nearly 100 years. The original formulation with aluminum oxide as abrasive material still serves well today. Pikal metal polishing compounds are widely used for polishing:

  • in manufacturing for polishing machined parts, surface finishing and precision polishing
  • cleaning of instrumentation such as electron microscopes, vacuum equipment analytical instruments - used by many service engineers
  • precision mechanics like cleaning and polishing of air-lock systems, positioning systems, shutters in vacuum systems
  • polishing and cleaning of substrates for thin film deposition and thin film research (glass, metals, silicon)
  • medical equipment to give it an easy to clean smooth surface finish
  • Size: 51x101x70 320 grams
Paste type is a thick paste with a high content of solids (abrasives) and is supplied in a tin. Yields good results in instrumentation cleaning and surface finishing in manufacturing. Can be used to remove "hard" stains on metal, glass and enamels. Also used for precision polishing of parts with a narrow tolerance. Can be used on buffing wheels. Widely used to clean vacuum systems, deposition sources and stainless steel chambers. Can be applied to wipes or cotton swabs for polishing. Test first when used on softer materials such as copper, aluminum and soft metal alloys.

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